Monday, March 2, 2009

Please read this first

This is one of my favorite photos of Fr Duane, at work with the homeless. If he is working, why is he smiling so much?

Dear Volunteers:

These guidelines are so very important for you to remember and respect. As an illustration of how great the consequences can be for failing to follow or ignoring these guidelines, I would like to share with you a story that was told by Fr. Duane Pederson on Ancient Faith Radio. Fr. Duane wrote the "Prison Ministry Training Guide" that was responsible for my entry into prison work, many years ago. He was also the person who had the foresight and vision and drive that provided the impetus for beginning the work of the O.C.P.M I apologize to Fr. Duane for the brevity and license that I have taken with this story.

He tells the story of a man who was new to prison work, who in the course of ministering to prisoners had a conversation with one of the prisoners. It was a wonderful and relaxed conversation and the volunteer felt he was really doing the Lord's work. His heart was filled with the desire to help this man spiritually. Towards the end of this conversation, the prisoner, who had been in prison for quite some time, asked the man for a very simple favor. With great sincerity he asked the man to please call his wife when he got back to his home. "Just tell her that everything is OK, that's all, just that everything is OK" would you please do that for me, I know how she worries about me here in this place. I just want to relieve her mind. I love her so much! please help me.

After the man returned to his home, he called the prisoner's wife and with great concern for her as a person, he told her "everything is OK, don't worry about your husband, everything is ok. After he hung up the phone, he felt that he had done a good thing and that he had relieved the poor woman's mind about her husband. After the call, he never gave it another thought.

A short time later, there was a prison break, and this same prisoner, in a daring and well planned escape plan, either escaped or attempted to escape from prison.

You see, the "code word" that informed his co-conspirators that it was all set to make the break was; "Everything is OK"

Please, always follow the guidelines.
